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Renewable power generation
AI-powered blade health real-time monitoring system through the processing of acoustic raw data to provide early damage detection, reduce downtime and maintenance costs while enhancing energy efficiency.
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Balca YilmazCEO & Co-Founder
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Caglar EratCTO & Co-Founder
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Molka RaisAI Engineer & Co-Founder
About Werover
Issues resolved
Late detection of wind turbine blade damages, arising from environmental factors and operational stress poses significant safety risks and financial burdens in the wind energy sector. Currently, turbine blades are inspected manually, and turbines must be stopped during the inspections resulting in significant energy loss. In the worst case-scenario, blade damages might lead to serious blade losses, causing at least three months of downtime. Werover delivers AI-powered wind blade monitoring technology to reduce maintenance & replacement costs by 50% while enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability in the wind energy sector.
Windrover provides an AI-based 24/7 health monitoring system for wind turbine blades. Our technology boosts wind energy operational efficiency by offering real-time wind turbine blade damage detection, minimizing downtime, and optimizing maintenance.
Here's how Windrover can be of benefit:
  • Early Damage Detection: Windrover's AI algorithms are designed to detect blade damage promptly, enabling timely interventions to prevent extensive damage and costly repairs.
  • Minimized Downtime: By identifying issues in real time, we help energy companies to minimize turbine downtime, ensuring consistent power generation and revenue.
  • Optimized Maintenance: Our technology offers insights to help you plan maintenance activities more efficiently, optimizing your resources and reducing operational costs.