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Predictive LayerSuisse
Power trading
AI-based platform processing market signals to provide trading decision support
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LocationGenève, Suisse
FundraisingRound opening soon
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team member
Serge RigoriCEO
About Predictive Layer
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Predictive Layer uses artificial intelligence to produce signals and services that allow its clients to better predict the future through different axes (Energy, Price, Demand, Production ...)
Predictive Layer develops a solution for processing short and medium term market signals and related internal and external data for decision support in the trading field.
Predictive Layer develops a Software-as-a-Service solution consisting of
  • A data recovery, cleaning and structuring layer
  • A central prediction module
  • A post-processing and control layer that allows the results to be explained by highlighting the relative weight of the various parameters in the final prediction
  • A layer for publishing the results via various interfaces
The tool is in the hands of the user who can configure it according to his needs and develop new use cases